Saturday, July 26, 2014

That's All Roberta Wrote

It is. Literally. All she wrote about the subject at hand, that is, which is adults spanking adults. I thought I would have it all up in a year; it has taken three. But it has been a joy. And I have learned so much about today's spanking blogs, about their authors, and encountered much fine writing. Love to you all! I hope you will forgive my occasional asperities. Perhaps it is true, as one advances in years, the past becomes too idealized. But I hope you will always enjoy visiting Roberta's world. It is here, frozen in amber, as it were. No-- more like a snow globe, a world complete in itself, with vivid scenes and characters amidst the swirls of time.

Or a locket. A Victorian locket, you can open anytime you wish...

Photo: Plume Natural Perfumery on